Sunday, May 17, 2009

My weekend!

Wow...I had a really great weekend! So Friday night my b.s.f. [best school friend] slept over and we had SO much fun and bonded a lot! HAIRBRUSH!! Yummy twizzlers! hehe. Then Saturday we went to a fun fair in my town! But it was sorta we went back to my house and went swimming and got tan! :D lol. OHHH, and at the fun fair we made these really cool record player CD's with paint and they are really cool. So yeah! Then we just HUNGED[<333]out at my house and watched TV and then I went to tutoring! After that I went to dinner with my parents and then watched TAKEN. It was a really good movie. I recommend you go rent it. =]It was just fun to talk to hang out with them since I don't send a lot of time with them. Then today was just a lazy day. I love weekends like that!!! I'm watching Desperate Housewives right now, it's sorta inappropriate, but I still like it. XD
Oh, so I'm reading Three Weeks with My Brother by Nicholas Sparks and there is this one quote that I really like. "Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life. Work's important, family's important, but without excitement, you have nothing. You're cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what's coming." I really really really like that. And its SO true.
Its already 10:40 so I better get ready for bed, even though I probably won't fall asleep by 12, gahhhh. haha.
Hopefully this school week isn't too stressful. I have a French Test tomorrow and Math Test Friday and I just have to really get good grades and Final's are coming up. Oh wow, Sometimes school can just be really annoying. But when I think about it, if I was given the choice to stay home and not go to school or go to school on my own, I'd go to school. It's not that I don't like going school, its just sometimes it is really annoying and I don't like all my classes. Enough about that. =]]]]]
hugs and kisses,

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