Saturday, May 9, 2009

The hard part of life is learning the hard way...

Well, the title sorta explains it all. I've been having a pretty bad month at school. The people who I eat lunch with don't really like me anymore, well they do but they get annoyed at me cause I hang out with my best [school] friend! And like they don't like her anymore, its this whole drama thing. And now I don't even know who my real friends are anymore... And I guess its harder for me to fit in with them cause the people I sit with are both twins. So like there are 2 sets of twins and then me and this other girl who is just sorta there. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. lol! But I don't wanna go through the rest of the year like this, I don't wanna look back and be like "UGH I HATED 9th GRADE!" Oh well. I don't really know what to do anymore....

I've looked forward to high school,
ever since I was little,
and here I am,
wanting to go back to being little,
when you had no cares,
when you had no guy problems,
your friends never changed,
and when you could fall asleep without any worries,
without any tears.
My advice to you:
Just enjoy the moment,
Enjoy what you're doing THIS minute,
who you are RIGHT now,
and most importantly, never take someone for granted....

lol, that was sorta LAMEEEEE! But hey, maybe it'll make you laugh, maybe it'll give you that little burst of inspiration that you need, maybe it'll put a smile on you face, or make you realize some things, but whatever it did, just be happy with where you are in the world today.

lalalalalala. Wanna hear a joke? Well actually, I don't have any! :D I'll go and search for one and tell you once in my next entry. Yesh I will! hahahha.

I wanna give a shout out to my 2 bestest friends in the whole entire world:
I love you guys! I know I'm not perfect and I have my flaws, but thanks for always being there for me. I could never ever ask for anything more. And as life goes on, I know that we will always be forever friends. I promise you that no matter what happens I'll always be there for you. Even if we don't see each other every week, or sometimes every month, I'm always there, just a phone call away! I know that sounds cheesy, but its true! <3333333

Tomorrow is Mother's Day! Yay! I'm so glad I have a wonderful mom, I dont know what I'd do without her! I know she's not perfect, but she does the best she can, and that is all that matters.

Well I dont have anything else to say, so I'm logging off. Bye! Thanks for reading this incredibly boring entry!



  1. Gracias for the comment!

    I always thought that high school was going to be... I don't even know what, just different and amazingly amazing. That I'd have neat adventures like the people in Wishbone (even though those people were in middle school, but I didnt know that then, soo... haha) Needless to say, that didn't happen :P

    And yay for having awesome BFFs :)

  2. You have a wonderful voice for writing. All the best on your Mother's day with your Mom.
