Thursday, October 22, 2009

UNTITLED- - I can not think of a title....

I try my best to be a good friend but it never works. No matter how hard I try it never works. ever. I can't wait until high school is over so all of this drama and dumb shit can be over. I hate it all. I sometimes wish that I can just disappear and start over. Hoping for a better life, until I realize that no matter what I'll always be stuck here. I hate the feeling of loneliness. I wish I didn't remember every hurtful thing a person said. No matter what I try to block all of those sentences out of my head, but they always come back. haunting me, making me cry, making me feel alone. I try my best not to judge people, but its hard for me. Everyone judges, just not everyone says it aloud. Maybe there is a reason why I judge people a lot, ever thought about that? apparently not. I wish I didn't trust people so much. Thats why I get hurt over and over again. I wish I could just walk away from this. from everything. But I cant, im stuck here. Someday I hope this will all go away and everything will be right for once.

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